Knott's Berry Farm Performance 2011
Sunday- November 27th, 2011
Performance Time: 11:30am
Arrival Time:10:00am
(meet at main entrance to purchase Family and Friend tickets at the GUEST RELATIONS WINDOW- mention Academy of World Dance n Arts to get the discounted rate)
Performance Location: Calico Square Stage
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal for all performers- Sunday, November, 20th 5:30-7:00pm
Performance & Ticket Information
Important Links
Performers MUST still purchase their tickets in advance at the WDA Studio)
Fire and Police Recognition Days Starting Thanksgiving Day and running through December 18, Knott's will honor all those who protect life and property with Fire and Police Recognition Days. FREE admission to the park will be offered to all active fire and police personnel and one guest. Up to six additional tickets can be purchased for only $17 each.
*Eligible person must be present.