November 29th, 2008- Saturday
Two Shows
Matinee 1pm - Evening 6pm
California Center for the Arts, Escondido
340 North Escondido Blvd., 92025
Click Here for Directions
This Production is a Benefit for the One Heart-One Mind Church Youth Ministry and
the Youth of San Diego County.
Produced & Directed by Laura DiDonato
of World Dance n Arts
Co Directed by Rosalie Ortiz
For Tickets Call:
Phone- 858-679-8277
E-mail- [email protected]
Fax- 858-486-7837
Any participation is greatly appreciated!
To AUDITION or to Volunteer - e-mail us!
Ticket sales, Costume Repairs, Props-Stage Hands,
Lobby Vendors, Make-up, Gift Table, Nurse.
Monetary Sponsors are needed for:
Spot Lighting=$200, Back Drop=$700, Props=$500,
Tech Crew=$2000, Theater Rental=$2,000, Costumes=$300
Thank You for your contribution in any form!
This Production is a Benefit for the One Heart-One Mind Church Youth Ministry and
the Youth of San Diego County.
For Cast Members:
Oliver Cast Pictures
Click on the Links below to get printable versions of the Ticket and Ad Order forms or the the complete Oliver Twist Packet:
Complete Oliver Twist Packet
Ticket Order Form
Place a Business Ad in the Program
Place a Personal Ad in the Program