A professional photographer will be at the studio on Sunday, August 15th from 2-6pm. Photos will be available to order on site and up to 30 days after, but there is no obligation to buy. Therefore, we encourage ALL dancers to attend! We would like all dancers to be represented in their group routine photos.
Group routine photos will be scheduled; with solos & duets photos taken in between.
Please arrive early and be in Full Costume and Make-up when you arrive so that each routine session may start on time.
If you are a new student or did not perform this year, we welcome your dancer to take photos in her dance attire or favorite outfit. : )
Order Form
Order of Photo Shoot:
2-3pm...Poi/Samoan/Tamure Paumotu
3-3:30...Rockin Robin/Carwash
3:30-4pm...Puppet (Pinocchio)
4-4:30pm...Tango/Petite Juane/He said she said
4:30-5:30pm...I Don't dance/Supermassive/At the hop
5:30-6pm...Razzle Dazzle/Rama Lama/Mastermix
*Solo & duets can be taken in between scheduled routines