- Facial expressions help portray emotion that is essential to a strong routine. The bright lights that are often present on stage can have a tendency to wash out a dancer’s face. With the audience seated at a distance, stage make-up improves the viewer’s experience.
- Choosing the same stage make-up for all dancers in a routine is the best idea. This can help create a uniform look that enhances the impact of the performance. Unless there is a choreographed reason to have every dancer different, as in some character routines, the audience does not need the extra distraction.
- Stage make-up can increase a dancer’s confidence level and bring out a team attitude. You have the perfect costume, the right shoes, and super hair…the right make-up can pull it all together and bring your mind out of the practice studio and onto the stage.
Quality stage make-up doesn’t have to be expensive. Check with your studio to make sure you pick the right colors that they have chosen for your routine. If they require an expensive brand…check at your local target or rite-aid…they have inexpensive products, such as CoverGirl, that could be easily color matched and work just as well!
Practice applying your make-up before the big performance. You don’t want to be unprepared or stressed on the day of your show. Studio dress rehearsals are a perfect time to try out your look and get more help if you need it. If you’re interested in learning how to apply stage make-up, visit JamCosmetics. They have excellent how-to videos and tips for dance make-up.
World Dance n Arts Studio Make-Up